Write Something about My Recent Life.

Oct 23, 2006

Now we launch on attending class, only 7:45 AM to 12:20 PM we need to go to class on working day, afternoon and evening both free.

Recently, we just eat once one day, because we are too lazy to cooking and too lazy to go out for eating. Pizza is the best food for our choice, usually, one meal costs 28 to 35 lei, but sometims, we may enter some decent restaurants,… Read more

A Good News

It’s so great! Today I found a unencrypted wireless network! Maybe from now on I can access to Internet free at my dormitory! Hoho, it makes me so excite! The only unfortunately thing is the signal of wireless is very very weak, so it works unstable, but send e-mail and chat online in IM software is no problem. Thank God!:DRead more

A terrible dream

Last night, a pretty girl appeared in my dream, she is nice and literary. I can not refrain myself from kissed her, but a terrible thing happend soon after, the girl became a scorpion and I cut its feelers. It scared me when I woke up. Why I dreamed a such dream? What is woman in my deep heart on earth?

God, please don’t tease me, let my heart keep relaxing and normal,

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The Life of Study Aborad seems Launch

In my bachelor’s life, I lived in home and never to care anything about life. Maybe it’s God’s plan, arrange me to here for fill me with something that I lost, now I do anything myself, including buy food, washing, needlework, communions,maybe I also need to study how to amorism, think what I need to make life comfortable. I begin to visit open-air… Read more

The First Time Travel in Chinsiau

The second day since I arrived in Moldova, I traveld the city with some Chinese studnets. They introduce some situations to us and help us to buy some things for daily use.

The first impress of the city to me is not big and not modern, but people is kind and pretty( especially girls), people’s dress is pretty and modern. at least not bad. I can make a cozy and relaxed… Read more