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The First Time Travel in Chinsiau

The second day since I arrived in Moldova, I traveld the city with some Chinese studnets. They introduce some situations to us and help us to buy some things for daily use.

The first impress of the city to me is not big and not modern, but people is kind and pretty( especially girls), people’s dress is pretty and modern. at least not bad. I can make a cozy and relaxed life here.

The value of goods is higher than China, but not too much. The communication fee is higher than China so far! I purchased a SIM Card costs 21 dollars, but it only can use 100 minutes for dial out.

Romanian is very useful here, of couse Russian also can be use here, but most text materials wrote in Romanian in the street and magazine. Native speaks both language. Unfortuantely, English is not popular here, even most common people just can speak a few English, fewer than Chinese who got a good education.

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